Scientific publications
Université Paris Cité places great importance on promoting its scientific productions (articles, publishing of journals and edited volumes, conference organisation …) and disseminating them to the international scientific community. Thanks to Open Science, Open Access and Open Data movements the challenge is to make these publications more widely accessible to professionals, the public and the media. For this reason, the action plan for Université Paris Cité’ application for the HR Excellence in Research label sets out the terms and conditions for implementing open science.
Open Access is an international movement born in the early 2000s, which promotes the immediate, free and permanent availability of research publications (by researchers and educators) across the Internet since the draft law for a digital Republic, open access has been the subject of concerted policy at the national level, with the creation of the HAL archive
Open Data involves open and reusable digital data, whose access and utilisation are made free to users. The objectives are to guarantee greater transparency and reproducibility of research results, but also to foster innovation by allowing the reuse of data by others. Open Data is part of a trend that considers public information as a common good.
Open Science is not just a mixture of open access (access to publications) and open data: it is also about opening up research and promoting bibliodiversity and innovation. Université Paris Cité is a signatory to the Jussieu Call for Open Science.

Single signature of publications

HAL – Widely disseminate research publications